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about 10 years ago
When you get to the age of dentures and diapers, there’s going to be more important things you’re concerned about than what your tattoos make you look like. Your skin may start sagging and that rose may turn into a blancmange but it’ll show the world you’re a hell of a lot more than just a pensioner. Why people ask this question is still completely baffling: it just shows how society still deems tattoos as a ‘non-respectable’ quality, especially on senior citizens. When it boils down to it, the only difference between tattooed people and non-tattooed people is this: tattooed people don’t care if you’re not tattooed.
about 10 years ago
We do our best to make sure every client walks away with something they're going to be happy with for the rest of their life, and when we recieve a letter from one of them thanking us for their 'timeless piece of art' well then we know we've done our job.
about 10 years ago
Here's the complete image of Danny's Breaking Bad Tattoo he did last weekend at The Great British Tattoo Show
about 10 years ago
If you havent already heard, our Artists Danny and Sam were working at The Great British Tattoo Show at weekend competing against some of their idols in the tattooing industry. Sam managed to bring home 2 awards! One for best Tattoo on the Saturday and also Best Tattoo overall for the weekend! 
about 10 years ago
High hopes for Brian 'the lion' Rose on his journey for world title boxing fight in June. Good luck pal!!

Heart for Art

Danny Birch

Tom Birch

Ash Higham


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Entries in Colour Tattoo (10)


Danny's Breaking Bad Tattoo from The Great British Tattoo Show 

Here's the complete image of Danny's Breaking Bad Tattoo he did last weekend at The Great British Tattoo Show


Danny's Realistic version of a Japanese Tiger Tattoo

Danny's Realistic version of a Japanese Tiger Tattoo


Iron Man Tattoo!

Are you a fan of Marvel? Check out this badass Iron Man Tattoo done by our artist Danny Birch!


Guest Artist Ravi Lassi

Over the weekend we had a guest Tattoo Artist in named Ravi Lassi, while he was here he had time to give our resident artists now new Ink! Here's Sam's new otters and Ash's portrait of his cat! Take a look at more of his work here


Burt Munro Portrait Tattoo

A Tribute Portrait Tattoo to the God of Speed, Burt Munro.


Transformers Optimus Prime Tattoo

Here's a tattoo dony by Danny of Optimus Prime from the Transformers films!


Artist on Artist!

Whenever they get a chance, our Artists like to get some art of their own! Here's Sam's realistic Bird Tattoo done by Danny.

They spend all day giving people amazing artwork so they deserve to get some themselves!



Leaf Tattoo Sleeve

Fancy something different? Have a look at this Leaf Tattoo Sleeve, its definitely not something you see every day!


Love Bird Tattoo

Love Bird Animal Tattoo next to a pound coin to show just how small it is!


Butterfly Graffiti Cover Up Tattoo by Heart for Art, Tameside, Manchester.

This graffiti artist had an old tattoo and didnt want a large black cover up or laser removal. So we utilised the existing piece to create a graffiti butterfly, along with the artists tags.